What Does It Mean to Be Fluent?

By Sage Panter from EIGLOBE What does it mean to be “fluent” in a language? Throughout my time studying other languages, I’ve given this question a lot of thought. Can a person consider themselves fluent if they pass a certain test? Can a person consider themselves fluent if they can simply communicate effectively with others […]
Toronto, ON, Canada

Toronto // トロント Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world, and definitely one of the best cities, in my opinion. You don’t have to go anywhere else to see the rest of the world! This city has the largest population in Canada and it’s the capital on Ontario (1 of the […]
First time studying a foreign language?

At the beginning, everything looks difficult. This is because everything is new. You cannot learn to speak another language in 1 day, although that would be nice. You learn a language after spending hours practicing and using the language that you want to learn. Everyone starts at 0. The best way to learn, is by […]