Why I study English 2

By Yukie, Student at EIGLOBE Firstly, I want to say that English can be your “magic key”. English is everywhere, so you will be able to communicate with native speakers and EFL speakers all around the world. You will help others, communicate with a huge variety of people and help yourself unlock all sorts of […]

By Aoi from EIGLOBE こんにちは、講師のAoiです。今回は4月から始まった新小学生クラスのご様子と家庭学習でお子様をサポートする方法をいくつかご紹介していきます。 [4月からの新小学生クラスEverybody UPってどんなクラス?] 4月にスタートした新クラスで使用しているEverybody Upのテキストは次世代のお子様に必須な21世紀型スキルを身につけられる構成になっている教科書です。(8月から全クラスに導入予定です。)
Que font les Français de leur temps libre ?

By Sebastien from EIGLOBE Comme dans de nombreux pays, le soir, la plupart des Français regardent la télévision ou utilisent internet. Beaucoup plébiscitent aussi les sorties au cinéma, au théâtre ou à un concert, ainsi que les visites de musées ou d’expositions, en solo ou avec des amis. De nombreux musées sont gratuits pour tous […]
Why I study English

By Chihaya, Student at EIGLOBE I’ll talk about why I study English. It’s simple. I want to become stronger. My parents like travelling. I grew up hearing their travel stories. So, I’m interested in things abroad, and my parents want to go abroad for me. But I’m so shy. I didn’t talk with classmates, store […]
¿De dónde eres?

By Beto from EIGLOBE A pesar de ser una pregunta muy simple y sencilla, nunca ha sido fácil para mí responderla de una manera rápida. Siempre necesito responder aquella pregunta con una explicación. Una pregunta que mucha gente puede responder con tan solo una palabra, a muchos otros les toma más tiempo contestar. Esto es […]
What is it like for an American to live in Japan?

By Sage Panter from EIGLOBE It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are, living in a foreign country is full of challenges. I am American and I live in Japan. I am going to talk about the challenges I have personally faced since I moved to here. The 1st challenge is… being a […]
What Does It Mean to Be Fluent?

By Sage Panter from EIGLOBE What does it mean to be “fluent” in a language? Throughout my time studying other languages, I’ve given this question a lot of thought. Can a person consider themselves fluent if they pass a certain test? Can a person consider themselves fluent if they can simply communicate effectively with others […]
Bienvenue à Toulouse!

Toulouseトゥールーズ By Sebastien (EIGLOBE) Toulouse, est surnommée la ville rose, pour la couleur des briques en terre cuite des bâtiments historiques de la ville. 4e ville de France, berceau Européen de l’aéronautique et l’aérospatiale, il existe même un parc à thème sur l’aérospatiale nommé La Cité de l’Espace. Claude Nougaro est originaire de la ville […]
Toronto, ON, Canada

Toronto // トロント Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world, and definitely one of the best cities, in my opinion. You don’t have to go anywhere else to see the rest of the world! This city has the largest population in Canada and it’s the capital on Ontario (1 of the […]
Sushi Blog

Sushi // 寿司 Sushi is probably the most popular Japanese food in the world. It is a VERY good dish and some countries even slightly changed it to match their culture! Eating sushi in Japan was a new experience. When I first came to this country, people complimented me on my ability to use chopsticks. […]